In the capital, PUTO car wash is visible at every step, currently car washing in Riga is available in 13 different Puto car washes, where it is possible not only to wash the car, but also to keep the car interior clean using a vacuum cleaner service. The price of the vacuum cleaner service is 50 cents for 3 minutes.
The car wash offers to use one of the car wash combinations: Fast, Thorough or Perfect, for payments using a Puto customer card for individuals or companies, the Mobilly mobile app, a contactless payment card or cash. The price of a car wash is 50 cents - 50 seconds, during which you can choose any car wash program as needed. Car washes in Riga are open 24 hours a day, and car washing is possible not only for passenger cars, but also for larger commercial vehicles. Car washing in Riga is unthinkable without windshield fluid filling. Windshield fluid can be refilled at the Puto car wash on Krasta Street (next to the Depo store). In winter, windshield fluid is suitable for use up to -25°C and its price is 1 euro - 1 liter, fill as much as needed and no excess packaging.
When washing the car, it is important to remember to rinse hard-to-reach areas as well.
Salt and dirt get trapped and accumulate under the vehicle and can cause serious rust problems. Before starting a thorough wash, it is important to wash off as much visible dirt as possible on the parts of the car body, as well as hard-to-reach areas, washing the car from below, also thoroughly washing the areas behind the tires and the lower corners of the doors, which is best done using a high-pressure water jet.
It is also important to remember the correct selection and use of washing programs. Washing a car with hot powder or foam should always start with washing the car from the bottom, while rinsing with the car roof should be done from top to bottom.
Car washing in Riga is important for those for whom saving time is especially important on a daily basis, so using Puto self-service car washes you can always be sure that the process will be done quickly, carefully and with high quality. For those in a hurry, we recommend choosing the Quick wash combination, washing the car with active foam or hot powder and rinsing thoroughly using mandatory rinsing.